Calcified Junrock

Common Class

Cost 1

Empyrean Anthem

Empyrean Anthem

Tidebreaking Courage

Tidebreaking Courage

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Update Log

Last updated:

Update Log: Added Echoes information according to Version 1.0.21

Calcified Junrock Overview


Calcified Junrock Attribute

The following are the possible Primary Main Stats for Calcified Junrock:

Common (1 Cost)

Stat Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5
HP 296 516 957 2280
HP% 7.2% 10.20% 14.2% 22.5%
ATK% 5.7% 8.1% 11.3% 18.0%
DEF% 5.7% 8.1% 11.3% 18.0%

Elite (3 Cost)

Stat Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5
ATK 131 244 363 1000
HP% 9.6% 14.0% 18.9% 30%
ATK% 9.6% 14.0% 18.9% 30%
DEF% 12.3% 17% 23.9% 38%
Energy Regen 10% 14.2% 20.1% 32.0%
Aero DMG 9.6% 14% 18.9% 30%
Glacio DMG 9.6% 14% 18.9% 30%
Fusion DMG 9.6% 14% 18.9% 30%
Electro DMG 9.6% 14% 18.9% 30%
Gavoc DMG 9.6% 14% 18.9% 30%
Spectro DMG 9.6% 14% 18.9% 30%

Overload (4 Cost) & Calamity (4 Cost)

Stat Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5
ATK 46 68 92 150
HP% 10.6% 14.6% 20.5% 33.0%
ATK% 10.6% 14.6% 20.5% 33.0%
DEF% 13.5% 18.7% 26.0% 41.5%
CRIT Rate 7.1% 9.8% 13.8% 22.0%
CRIT Dmg 14.3% 19.7% 27.7% 44.0%
Healing Bonus 8.5% 11.9% 16.3% 26.0%

Calcified Junrock Sonata Effect

The following are the possible sonata effects for Calcified Junrock:

Empyrean Anthem

Empyrean Anthem

2-piece set: Energy Regen + 10%
5-piece set: Increase the Resonator’s Coordinated Attack DMG by 80%. Upon a critical hit of Coordinated Attack, increase the active Resonator’s ATK by 20% for 4s.

Tidebreaking Courage

Tidebreaking Courage

2-piece set: Energy Regen + 10%
5-piece set: Increase the Resonator’s ATK by 15%. Reaching 250% Energy Regen increases all Attribute DMG by 30% for the Resonator.

Calcified Junrock Ability

Rank: 2

Suggested character Calcified Junrock

The Following Characters are suggested to use Calcified Junrock